Business Term of Use

Please follow our guidelines

1.1 Terms of use.

These terms of use ("Terms of Use") tell you how you may offer Vantage Test Prep Solutions’ products and services to your clients. Please read the terms carefully.

These Terms of Use apply solely to business users of Vantage Test Prep Solutions. If you are accessing and/or using Vantage Test Prep Solutions’ products and services in a non-business capacity, please read the Terms of Use of Vantage Test Prep Solutions for Personal Users.

Any reference in the Terms to "you" or "your" means you as a business user of Vantage Test Prep Solutions.


1.2 Who makes Vantage Test Prep Solutions available to me?

The educational content offered by Vantage Test Prep Solutions are made available to you by the Vantage Test Prep Solutions, located in Seoul, Republic of Korea.

If you have any questions about the Terms or your use of Vantage Test Prep Solutions, you may find the answer at the Vantage Test Prep Solutions’ website. If you cannot find the answer there, you can contact Vantage Test Prep Solutions.


2.1 In the Terms:

“Vantage Test Prep Solutions’ proprietary educational content” refers to all content that Vantage Test Prep Solutions offers as educational tools, including but not limited to strategy lessons, drill sets, mini-test sets, full-test sets, and solution keys.


2.2 Availability of Vantage Test Prep Solutions’ proprietary educational content

Vantage Test Prep Solutions’ proprietary educational content is any material that is created and/or selected, edited, updated by Vantage Test Prep Solutions. They are made available to you by Vantage Test Prep Solutions at its sole discretion.

The period of time during which your client may access and view Vantage Test Prep Solutions’ proprietary educational content may vary depending on the type of content and the type of products and services your client purchases.


2.3 Vantage Test Prep Solutions’ Control of its proprietary educational content

You acknowledge that the Vantage Test Prep Solutions has absolute control over all Vantage Test Prep Solutions’ proprietary educational content at all times.




3.1 How your client may use Vantage Test Prep Solutions’ proprietary educational content

3.1.1 The proprietary educational content that Vantage Test Prep Solutions offers are content that must be purchased by your client.


3.1.2 Parental Guidance and payment responsibility - In case your client is a minor (“below legal age”) or otherwise unable to make payment for the use of the content, the client’s parents are responsible for the monetary obligations.


3.1.1 If your client complies with the Terms of Use and with all relevant laws (for instance, copyright law), your client may access and view Vantage Test Prep Solutions’ proprietary educational content for personal and non-business use. Your client may access and view Vantage Test Prep Solutions’ proprietary educational content only from pre-authorized computers at your business location. It is illegal to access or attempt to access Vantage Test Prep Solutions’ proprietary educational content from unauthorized computers at unauthorized locations.


3.2 How your client may NOT use Vantage Test Prep Solutions’ proprietary educational content and/or its other products and services

3.2.1 Your client may not access or attempt to access Vantage Test Prep Solutions’ proprietary educational content from unauthorized computers at unauthorized locations.

3.2.2 Your client may not infringe any applicable law (for instance copyright law) when accessing or viewing Vantage Test Prep Solutions’ proprietary educational content

3.2.3 Your client agrees to access and view Vantage Test Prep Solutions’ proprietary educational content as supplied to the client by the Vantage Test Prep Solutions and your client may not, and your client may not assist anyone to, or attempt to, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, adapt, modify, copy, reproduce, lend, hire, rent, perform, sub-license, make available to the public, create derivative works from, broadcast, distribute, commercially exploit, transmit or otherwise use in any way Vantage Test Prep Solutions and/or its proprietary educational material in whole or in part.

3.2.4 your client may not directly or indirectly charge others for accessing, viewing or listening to any Vantage Test Prep Solutions’ proprietary educational content, or commercialize or attempt to re-sell the Vantage Test Prep Solutions’ proprietary educational content in any way, which includes advertising or selling any products and services which offer Vantage Test Prep Solutions’ proprietary educational content

3.2.5 your client may not display Vantage Test Prep Solutions’ proprietary educational content on any website or blog

3.2.6 This list is not exhaustive and may be amended by the Vantage Test Prep Solutions from time to time.


4.1 Rights in Vantage Test Prep Solutions and its content

All copyright, trademarks, design rights, patents and other intellectual property rights (registered and unregistered) in and on Vantage Test Prep Solutions’ products and services belong to Vantage Test Prep Solutions. Vantage Test Prep Solutions reserves all of its rights in Vantage Test Prep Solutions’ proprietary educational content. Nothing in the Terms grants your client a right or license to use any trade mark, design right or copyright owned or controlled by the Vantage Test Prep Solutions. In marketing your business and Vantage Test Prep Solutions, however, you may use Vantage Test Prep Solutions’ trademark if pre-requested in writing and pre-approved by Vantage Test Prep Solutions.



4.2 Digital Rights Management

Vantage Test Prep Solutions may embed digital rights management security or use other content-protection measures in protecting Vantage Test Prep Solutions’ proprietary educational content and its other products and services. You or your client may not adjust or circumvent or try to adjust or circumvent these technical measures.


5. Expenses, equipment and software

You are solely responsible for paying all expenses you may incur when you or your client accesses or uses products and services offered by Vantage Test Prep Solutions including but not limited to the cost of rent, utilities, computers, internet and/or other data service provider charges.


6. Managing you and your client’s account details and activity

You and your clients are solely responsible for maintaining Vantage Test Prep Solutions account username and password (if you have them) confidential and you and your client are responsible for all activity that occurs under your Vantage Test Prep Solutions account.


7. How Vantage Test Prep Solutions uses you and your client’s information

Vantage Test Prep Solutions reserves the right to use you and your client’s information for its marketing purposes. Vantage Test Prep Solutions, however, will not share your client’s personal or non-personal information with any other third-party. Only you will have access to your client’s information and your client’s progress reports.


8.1 The basis on which Vantage Test Prep Solutions makes the Vantage Test Prep Solutions’ products and services available to you and your clients

Vantage Test Prep Solutions does not guarantee that all Vantage Test Prep Solutions’ proprietary educational content and/or other products and services will always be available or be uninterrupted, timely, secure or free from bugs, viruses, errors and omissions.

Vantage Test Prep Solutions reserves its right to modify, suspend or discontinue all or part of any proprietary educational content or other products and services without giving you any notice.


8.2 Types of loss or damage Vantage Test Prep Solutions is not responsible for

Vantage Test Prep Solutions is not responsible for the following kinds of loss or damage which may arise from your use of Vantage Test Prep Solutions:

  • 8.2.1 loss or damage suffered by you or someone else when the Vantage Test Prep Solutions complies with the Terms;
  • 8.2.2 loss or damage which is caused by the Vantage Test Prep Solutions when it does not comply with the Terms but which the Vantage Test Prep Solutions and you or your client could not anticipate nor expect to happen when you started using Vantage Test Prep Solutions;
  • 8.2.3 any loss which is indirect or a side effect of the main loss or damage and which the Vantage Test Prep Solutions and you or your client could not anticipate nor expect to happen when you or your client started using Vantage Test Prep Solutions;
  • 8.2.4 provided the Vantage Test Prep Solutions complies with its Privacy and Cookies Policy, any loss of data or damage to your device or software; and
  • 8.2.5 any loss or damage if Vantage Test Prep Solutions is not provided to you or your client or are interrupted or suspended or if the Vantage Test Prep Solutions does not comply with the Terms because of events beyond the Vantage Test Prep Solutions’ control, such as an act of God, accident, fire, lockout, strike or other official or unofficial labor dispute, civil commotion, rule or order or act of Government or other act or event beyond the reasonable control of the Vantage Test Prep Solutions.


8.3 Your legal rights as a service provider and your client’s rights as a consumer

You, a service provider consumer and your client, a consumer, may have certain legal rights regarding claims in respect of losses caused by the Vantage Test Prep Solutions’ negligence or the failure by the Vantage Test Prep Solutions to carry out its obligations. Nothing in the Terms is intended to limit your legal rights as a service provider or your clients’ as a consumer. For further information about your legal rights you can contact your local authority.


9. The Vantage Test Prep Solutions 's right to stop making Vantage Test Prep Solutions’ products and services available

The Vantage Test Prep Solutions reserves the right to stop making all or any part of the Vantage Test Prep Solutions products and services available to you with immediate effect and without notice if:

  • 9.1.1 in its sole reasonable opinion you or your client are using the Vantage Test Prep Solutions’ proprietary educational content and/or its any other products and services inappropriately;
  • 9.1.2 you or your client breach the Terms in a way that cannot be corrected, or you fail to correct a breach within a reasonable period of time if the Vantage Test Prep Solutions asks you to do so; or
  • 9.1.3 there is, in the Vantage Test Prep Solutions' reasonable opinion, any reason why the Vantage Test Prep Solutions must be withdrawn.


9.2 What happens if the Vantage Test Prep Solutions stops making Vantage Test Prep Solutions’ products and services available?

If the Vantage Test Prep Solutions stops making Vantage Test Prep Solutions’ products and services available to you or your client, you or your client may be asked to delete all Vantage Test Prep Solutions’ proprietary educational content and/or delete your account from Vantage Test Prep Solutions.


9.3 What happens if the Vantage Test Prep Solutions does not enforce a right against you or your client?

If the Vantage Test Prep Solutions decides not to exercise or enforce any right that it has against you or your client at a particular time, then this does not prevent the Vantage Test Prep Solutions from later deciding to exercise or enforce that right.


10. What happens if any part of the Terms is found to be ineffective?

If any part of the Terms is found to be illegal, invalid or otherwise unenforceable by a court or regulator, then, where required, that part shall be deleted from the Terms and the remaining parts of the Terms will continue to be enforceable.


11. Transfer of rights

You or your client may not assign, sub-license or otherwise transfer any of you or your client’s rights and obligations in the Terms to any other person or entity.


12. What happens if there is a dispute arising out of the Terms?

Any disputes arising out of the Terms will be governed by and interpreted in accordance with the laws of the country and/or province your business or your client’s residency.



