
We are Always Looking for Potential Partners.

Vantage Test Prep Solutions is always looking for potential partners.

There are several ways we can create mutually beneficial partnerships.

1. Admissions Consulting Firms

Many admissions consulting firms seek to partner with test prep academies. However, most test prep academies offer admissions consulting services, too! This is completely unfair! As an admissions consulting firm, you want your students to receive high SAT and/or ACT scores. However, referring students to a test prep academy that also offers admissions consulting is equivalent to handing over your client to a competitor.

Well, now, by partnering with Vantage Test Prep Solutions, you can offer effective and reliable SAT and ACT test prep curricula from your own office. All you need are computers and an Internet connection.

2. Schools and English Language Academies

Often times, various education institutes, including schools and English language academies, would like to offer SAT and/or ACT test prep courses.

Now, by partnering with Vantage Test Prep Solutions, you can offer effective and reliable SAT and ACT test prep curricula from your own office. Eliminate the headache of training and managing teachers. You need only computers and an Internet connection!

3. Study Centers

Today, in many countries, there are study centers that rent out desk space to students for them to study on their own. Most study centers have computers that aren’t being used. After all, today, nearly every student brings his/her own laptop to study centers.

If you own a study center, why let your space and computers go to waste? You can offer SAT and ACT test prep programs. This will increase your revenue and differentiate your study center from competitors.

4. Potential Individual Franchisee

Many savvy entrepreneurs want to get into the test prep business. Developing a curriculum, training and managing teachers, and marketing the business amount to a lot of work. VANTAGE TEST PREP SOLUTIONS can help. We will provide the necessary know-how to start and operate your own test prep business.
